

Connecting Tv to Reality

A unique interactive simulcast broadcasting system that tightly synchronizes multimedia interactive content and advertising playing on PC or mobile device screens with broadcast programming. SpotMagic’s Media Sync technology has been used to create numerous

2nd screen play-along games, add-ons for sports statistics and instant replays, DVD-like rerun audience enhancements and to add extra scenes and narrative to documentaries.

Internet delivered, custom branded, interactive companion content and single or multi-player games that are in perfect sync for every second of live broadcasts across multiple time zones. MediaSync simulcasting works with all network, satellite, cable and even syndicated broadcasts. SpotMagic’s 2ndScreen technology will bring MediaSync to Tivo, DVR and On-Demand programming.

  • Synchronize multiple language or local affiliate branded geographically selective versions of companion content with zip code accurate, customizable interactive content and advertising.
  • Low cost reliable scalability to millions of simultaneous viewers while maintaining perfect sync to the broadcast.

Create – Go script-to-screen with a mouse click using the MediaSync high-speed automated fast and powerful groupware, networked, no code writing, point and click desktop broadcasting production environment with unique content security features. MediaSync producers have total creative freedom to mix, match and overlay any type of video, graphic, animation, text and sound elements. Game look and feel and UI functionality are dynamic and can be changed at anytime without “re-authoring” or user installation of new components even during a live broadcast.

MediaSync means fast production with no creative limits. A completely plastic UI gives you freedom to seamlessly change UI functions or shape during a broadcast; launch or close multiple objects, syndicate scenes to other shows or distribute live broadcast content as ad-on components for web pages.

Play – The user one-click quick-installs the out-of-the-browser MediaSync engine only once, no matter how many different independently branded shows or channels are viewed. MediaSync technology means every viewer gets the same high quality, zero latency, no-“click-&-wait”, user experience with a rich DVD-like, better than broadband look and sound.